Enhancing the Resolution of your Seismic Data for Exploration and Reservoir Characterization

About Us

Spectral Geosolutions was founded to apply high-resolution seismic technology to reservoir characterization workflows. Our proprietary Spectral Extrapolation process produces frequency extended seismic data suitable for seismic inversion, machine learning, attribute generation and structural & stratigraphic interpretation, reliably doubling (or more) the bandwidth even for low quality onshore seismic data. Well information is not required. The process incorporates a time-adaptive wavelet and the option of using the input spectrum as a constraint. It is applicable to conventional (full and angle stack), multi-component, azimuthal and VSP seismic data.
***For more details, please see Publications section - Garcia-Leiceaga et al, 2020.***


Random Forest with Spectral Extrapolation

Machine learning models can be used to predict subsurface properties in 3D, with the advantages of increased resolution and independence from flawed physical assumptions. Spectral Geosolutions has developed a robust Random Forest machine learning solution for 3D prediction of log, acoustic, elastic and petrophysical properties in the subsurface. Missing logs can also be estimated from measured logs using this technique.

Random Forest is an ensemble machine learning technique that uses bagged decision trees with sample replacement in order to predict target variables from observations (attributes). The average set of values from a suite of decision trees is taken as the solution, which decreases the variance of the model without increasing the bias, thereby boosting immunity to over-training.

While the Random Forest algorithm (and other machine learning algorithms) naturally boosts the frequency content at the location of the training well(s), the accuracy of the high frequencies decays as rock properties vary laterally with distance from the well(s). By using enhanced seismic data from our Spectral Extrapolation as input to Random Forest, the reliability of the high frequency content is significantly improved, thus maximizing vertical AND lateral resolution for subsurface characterization.
***For more details, please see Publications section - Puryear et al, 2021.***

Example below illustrates enhanced mapping and thickness estimation for volumetrics using Random Forest with Spectral Extrapolation


Why Use Spectral Extrapolation Technology

Our objective is to directly impact your reservoir characterization at every stage, starting with the seismic data. Recognizing that re-shooting and re-processing seismic data are often not feasible, we help you extract information previously thought unrecoverable from your existing seismic data and reservoir characterization workflows. Our technology provides valuable insights for target detection in exploration settings, stratigraphic controls on reservoir connectivity, well planning, geosteering, production and volumetrics. By informing decisions for your exploration and production lifecycle, we strive to reduce your uncertainty and increase your likelihood of success. Please contact us to learn more about how we can assist you using our technology.


Our paper "Spectral Extrapolation principles and application: Mindoro Island, Philippines seismic data" has been published in The Leading Edge "Seismic Resolution" section January, 2023. This work explains the theory of bandwidth extension using Spectral Extrapolation from simple concepts to complex mathematics. Next, a rigorous analysis of results from an onshore Philippines seismic dataset is presented. We demonstrate how Spectral Extrapolation can significantly improve subsurface interpretation and characterization.


We are currently engaged in several projects applying our high resolution processing methods for both onshore and offshore seismic reservoir characterization. We have demonstrated that the technology is highly effective for carbonates as well as siliciclastics - no well information required. The technique has been applied to very "narrowband" or "broadband" input with excellent results. Please contact us to discuss your current needs and arrange a demonstration of our technology using your own data.

machine learning

A case study demonstrating the successful application of Spectral Extrapolation followed by Random Forest machine learning was presented at IMAGE 2021 (see publications section). While machine learning has been applied as a high resolution tool, we demonstrate that Spectral Extrapolation is required in order to fully exploit the data. By leveraging the combined resolution power of these techniques, we were able to define the offshore Maui reservoir down to three meters. Such details are essential for accurate volumetric estimation.

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